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Why Principal Mediation? 

It only seems impossible until it's done.

Nelson Mandela

Our mediation service is designed to be both affordable and easily accessible. This ensures that everyone’s needs are heard and considered throughout the process.


We offer both online and face to face mediation. If face to face mediation is your preference we can offer mediation sessions at our facilities in the heart of Hove. ​


From the comfort of your own home we offer you a complete on line service.


Sessions can be held online if you are living in the same household or separately.


  • ​We use Zoom for joint mediation sessions -

  • You can use Facetime, WhatsApp or Zoom for your initial MIAM

  • We can help you wherever you live in the UK

  • We offer 'shuttle' mediation in separate video calls or rooms, and our mediators ‘shuttle’ between clients.


On occasion we will co-mediate, where the sessions will be held with two mediators.

Mediators all have different skill sets and depending on the complexity of issues needing to be explored, it may be beneficial to have two mediators during the process. â€‹

All mediations are carried out under a strict Code of Practice and nothing said during the process can be used in evidence at a subsequent court hearing. Our mediators will remain unbiased before, during and after the mediation process and we are not allowed to influence the outcome of the mediation process.



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